توصيف المقرارات لبرنامج البكالوريوس في تقنية المعلومات

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Differential CalculusEIT1153This course deals with the concepts of sets,  graphs and their gradients,  rectangular coordinates system,lines, the  circle,  functions  and  their  graphs,  some  types  of  functions,  trigonometric  functions,  the exponential function, logarithmic functions, limits and continuity of functions,  derivatives  of functions,derivatives of  trigonometric  functions,  higher  order  derivative,  implicit  differentiation, velocity  and acceleration.
English Language IAAU1132This course for students of all B.A departments at A-Arab University to improve their skills writing, listening, speaking and reading) of English language. The course offers new vocabulary and illustrates punctuations and grammar rules and makes the students familiar with daily language.
General physicsEIT1163This course provide  the concepts of units, dimensions , vectors and state the different kinds of motion including one-dimension and two-dimension motion and the laws that govern them, in addition illustrate the basic principles of fluid mechanics and Summarize the elastic inelastic  properties of solids
Information Technology FundamentalsIT1172The objective of this course is to provide an overview and understanding of the conceptual base of Information Technology, introducing the newly specialized IT students with the knowledge and skills related to understanding existing and emerging information technologies. Students will find this a helpful Bridge course to upper level courses in Information Technology.. The purpose of this course is threefold: (1) to provide comprehensive and engaging overview of cutting edge information technologies, (2) to identify and discuss fundamental principles underlying these technologies, and (3) to relate these technologies with practical life. Topics include an introduction to information technology, Introducing today’s technologies: computers, devices, and the Web, connecting and communicating online: the Internet, Websites, and media,, programs and apps: productivity, graphics, Security, and other tool
الثقافة الإسلامية 1مج1112يهدف هي المقرر إلى توضيح المفاهيم الأساسية في الثقافة الإسلامية المبنية على الوسطية والاعتدال المأخوذة من القران والسنة وليتزود بالمعارف والفنون والاتجاهات السلوكية اللازمة والتي تحلي بقيم الإسلام المواضيع هذا المقرر تشمل مفهوم الثقافة الإسلامية، خصائص الثقافة الإسلامية، أسس العقيدة الإسلامية، لمحات من حياه رسولنا الكريم صلى وعلية وسلم، مفهوم النظم الإسلامية، النظام الاجتماعي في الإسلام، النظام الاخلاقي في الإسلام، مكانه المرأة في الإسلام، الشباب ومشكلاته، اسهامات المسلمين.
مهارات الحاسوبمج1122يهتم هذا المساق بتعريف الطالب بالمهارات والمعارف الأساسية اللازمة للتعامل مع الحاسب الآلي لتمكنه من استخدام الأنظمة والتطبيقات والخدمات  الأساسية كقاعدة معلوماتية ومعرفية لاستخدامه في مجال تخصصه وإمكانية  التعامل مع أي تطبيقات أو خدمات قد تقدم للطالب في مقررات أخرى بحسب مجال تخصصه يشمل المقرر التعرف على مكونات تقنية المعلومات و نظام التشغيل ويندوز و برنامج لمعاجلة النصوص وبرنامج  الجدول الإلكترونية و برنامج العروض  التقديمية بالإضافة إلى مهارات  التعامل مع الإنترنت واستخدام البريد الإلكتروني  ويرافق المساق القيام ببعض التطبيقات في المعمل.
اللغة العربية 1مج1122صُمِّم هذا المساق؛ ليزوّد الطالب بأساسيّات اللغة العربيّة التي تبصّره بقواعد نظامها النحويّ والصرفيّ بأسلوب سهل وواضح؛ ليتمكّن من التواصل اللغويّ السليم، متحدّثا، وكاتبا، وقارئا، ومستمعا، بوصفه ناطقا بالعربيّة.
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Computer programming 1IT1263This course is to cover the fundamental concepts of procedural programming. This course introduces
the C# programming language and helps students develop basic problem-solving skills. Topics include algorithms, flowchart, numerical data, primitive data type, selection statements, switch statements, break and continue statements, relational operators, logical operators, logical expressions, Boolean variable, Boolean expressions, repetition statements, nested loops, methods, pass arguments to a method, method overloading, arrays, common array operations, Enumerations, and Value and Reference Types.
Discrete StructuresIT1273this course is to study the logical and algebraic relationships between discrete objects. This course cultivates clear thinking and creative problem solving by developing students’ mathematical maturity in several core areas: logic and proofs, sets, functions, The Fundamentals: Integers, Induction, relations, Graphs, and Trees.
English Language 2AAU1232This  course for students of all B.A departments at A-Arab University to improve their skills writing, listening, speaking and reading) of English language. The course offers new vocabulary and illustrates punctuations and grammar rules and makes the students familiar with daily language.
Integral CalculusEIT1253This course proves the principles of integral Calculus. The topics include Integration, Antiderivative,  Indefinite  Integral,  rules  of  Indefinite  Integral,  the  definite  Integral:  sums  and  sigma notation,  the area under the curve, the  definite integral and the  fundamental theorem  of calculus,  the mean value theorem  for definite integral, substitution in definite integral.  Techniques of integration:  basic integration formulas, integration by  parts,  trigonometric  integrals,  trigonometric  substitutions,  integration  by  partial  fraction,  numerical integration:  trapezoidal  and  Simpson  rules ,  errors  and  their  estimation.  Some applications of  integration:  area under  the  curves,  volume  of  the  solid  of  revolution,  work.  Indeterminate forms  and  improper  integrals: indeterminate  formulas,  L’Hopital’s  rule,  improper  integrals  of  types  one  and  two,  tests  for  convergence,   divergence: direct comparison test, limit comparison test .
الثقافة الإسلامية 2مج1212يهدف هذا المقرر إلى توضيح السياسة الشرعية  بمبادئها  واصولها في سياسة الحياه والرقي به على الرفاهية والحياة الكريمة والقدرة على مواجهه التحديات بأنواعها الداخلية والخارجية والمستجدة وإيجاد الحلول المناسبة لها ويشمل هذا المقرر المواضيع التالية النظام السياسي في الإسلام ، فضل الإسلام، ظام الشورى في الإسلام، قضايا سياسية/ قضايا اقتصادية ، قضايا معاصره وغزو فكري.
اللغة العربية 2مج1222صُمِّم هذا المقرّر؛ ليزوّد الطالب بأساسيّات اللغة العربيّة التي تبصّره بقواعد نظامها النحويّ والصرفيّ، وبالأساليب اللغويّة الشائعة في العربيّة، وبمهارات الكتابة الأساسيّة، كل ذلك بأسلوب سهل وواضح؛ لتعزيز تمكّنه من التواصل اللغويّ السليم في أثناء القراءة والكتابة والمحادثة، بوصفه ناطقا بالعربيّة
مهارات الاتصالمج1242تهدف المادة إلى المام الطالب بالمفاهيم والنظريات في مجال الاتصال الإنساني واكسابه المهارات الأساسية في مجال التواصل مع الذات والأخرين وتعزيز ممارستها في مجال حياته اليومية والعلمية باستخدام أساليب جدية تعتمد على التدريب والتقويم المتنوع والفعال ويشكل المواضيع التالية: مقدمة في الاتصال ، الاتصال  مع الذات ، مهارات الاستقبال ، مهارات الارسال ، الانصات غير الكلامي ، مهارات الحوار والاقناع ، الاتصال في بيئة العمل
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Computer programming 2IT2143This course aims to introduce students with the principles of object-oriented programming. The course discovers several topics including introduction to object-oriented programming,  Classes and Objects, inheritance, polymorphism, Interfaces ,Generic Programming, file I/O ,exception handling, and  Operator Overloading. The course also has several practice sessions.
Differential EquationsEIT2113This course covers the basic concepts of differential equations such as types, order , degree, types of solutions,  differential equations of first order and first degree and then linear differential equations of first order and their solutions, and applications. Recognition of linear differential equations of higher order and finding their solutions by general and short methods, as well as undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters methods for finding the particular integral.
Human Computer InteractionIT2173This course is to study the fundamentals and principles of human computer interaction. Also, it is intended to develop the student’s ability to explore and implement a usable design, in addition to measure, analyze, and evaluate the human computer interaction systems
Digital LogicIT2153This course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of digital logic design. Topics include number systems, binary codes, Boolean algebra, fundamental forms of Boolean functions, functions applications to digital circuits design, minimization of Boolean functions by Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, latches, flip-flops, registers, counters. The course is accompanied by several practical experiments.
Technical writingEIT2122The objective of this course is to study the fundamentals of technical writing . Topics include the concepts of technical writing  and its differences with academic writing, processes in technical communication, tools and techniques to perform collaborative projects and writing, formatting the technical documents with modern tools and techniques, techniques to write official letters, memos and Email, writing definitions and descriptions, writing informal reports to address immediate and intermediate tasks accomplishment, writing formal report to portray complex nature of issues, writing informal proposals to cover project with limited scope, writing formal proposals to submit a detailed document, normally applied to large projects, developing presentation skills, preparing effective CV’s and cover letter, developing skills for Job interview, learning styles in technical writing for effective revision, and practicing professional presentations in a seminar environment
مبادئ الاقتصادمك2132يجمع  هذا المقرر ما بين مفاهيم الاقتصاد الجزئي والاقتصاد الكلي ويشمل المفاهيم الأساسية لعلم الاقتصاد، مناهج علم الاقتصاد، ،قواعد السلوك الاقتصادي ،المشكلة الاقتصادية ،الأنظمة الاقتصادية وحل مشكل الاقتصادية الأسواق الاقتصادية ، نظرية العرض، توازن السوق في ظل شروط المنافسة الكاملة ، المنفعة النظرية، قضايا  موضوعات الاقتصاد الكلي ، الحسابات الحقوقية للناتج ، الجهاز المصرفي و النقود والمصارف.
مبادئ الإدارة والأعمالتق2163يتناول هذا المقرر المفهوم العام للمنظمة والإدارة وعملياتها الإدارية الأربعة، التطور التاريخي للإدارة والمدراس الإدارية و نظرياتها المختلفة، أدوار ومهارات المدير في مختلف المستويات الإدارية .
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Computer Architecture & OrganizationIT2243The objective of this course is to explain how computers are designed and how they work. Students are introduced to modern computer principles using a typical processor. They learn how efficient memory systems are designed to work closely with the processor, and how input/output (I/O) systems bring the processor and memory together with a wide range of devices. The course emphasizes system-level issues and understanding program performance. Topics include instructions sets, processor data path and control, memory hierarchy, I/O devices and interconnects, and an introduction to parallel processing.
Data structuresIT2263This course is to provide students an understanding of abstract data structures, including to, arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks, trees, and graphs. The course also aims to give a conceptual understanding of the
trade-offs between various data structures, hence enabling students to choose an optimal data structure for a particular application. The students will also learn concepts of algorithmic design, recursion, and a variety of searching and sorting algorithms.
Introduction to Probability & StatisticsEIT2223This course covers the fundamentals of probability theory and statistics used in engineering and applied science. The course begins with an introduction to statistics and data analysis. Then the probability topics will be covered which include; basic probability, presentation of data, Measures of central tendency, Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Counting Techniques,  Definition of the probability and its applications, Independence of events and Bayes theorem and its applications, Definition of the random variable and The probability function.
Linear AlgebraEIT2233This course provide linear equations and  their solutions ( Gauss and Gauss-Jordan elimination  methods), matrices and their operations- types of matrices- matrices and system of linear equationsinverse of matrix, Determinants and its properties- minors and cofactors- adjoin of a matrix-inverse of a matrix- solution of  linear equations by using determinants (Cramer’s rule), Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix- Cayley-Hamiltion theorem- Power method. 
Professional EthicsIT2212this course is to explore the ethical and social issues sparked by the ever-growing information society at the local and global level. Topics include the impact of digitized information on individuals and societies, privacy, intellectual property, computer crimes, evaluating and controlling technology, and professional ethics and responsibilities. The course also explores the social impact of information technology in different areas of human life such as Internet, information flooding, and the computerized world, business, medicine, law, government, transportation, entertainment, education, banking, e-commerce, communications, an overview of the law, ownership of software, software contracts and liability, privacy
and the data protection act, computer misuse, and forensic, societies for computing professionals, and professionalism and ethics.
Visual programming IT2253Visual programming languages are widely used for the rapid development of graphical applications. This subject will introduce students to the fundamental principles to programming using a visual environment using the Visual C# programming language. Topics graphics and windows forms, database programming, and web development. The course is accompanied by several practical experiments.
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Computer NetworksIT3153This course is to provide a wide background of computer networks, giving students the basic knowledge of data communication, medium accessing protocols, local area networks, and an overview of the higher level protocols. Topics include principles of computer networks, network standard models, analog and digital signals, multiplexing schemes, transmission media, multiple access techniques, wired and wireless LANS, network devices, IP addressing, domain name system, and laboratory experiments
Introduction to databaseIT3133this course is to prepare students to become able to implement a working database system using one of the popular commercial DBMSs. Topics include data and information, file system, database and database users, database system concepts and architecture, data modeling using the entity relationship (ER) model, the relational data model and relational database constraints, functional dependencies and normalization for relational databases, relational algebra and relational calculus, relational database design by ER and EER to relational mapping, SQL schema  definition, constraints, queries, and views.
Learning & Thinking & ResearchEIT3113This course is proved the student the skills of Learning, Thinking , and Research. Topic include: Introduction to Learning & Thinking & Research, Study Skills and Motivation to Learn, Information Processing Skills, Speed Reading Skills, The Concept of Scientific Research & Its Tools, Mechanics for Searching Documented Information, Elements of Scientific Research and Its Tools, Skills using   MS word to write project Skills using  reference management tool, Thinking Skills and it’s Types, The Six Hats of Thinking and Program (S.C.A.M.P.E.R) in Thinking, Renew Your Thinking (The CoRT Thinking Program)
Operating systemsIT3163This course is to introduce the basic concepts of modern operating systems. The course covers the design of operating systems and the way they work, in terms of efficiency and reliability, in addition to comparing between the techniques used inside the operating systems, in terms of time and space complexity. Topics include the basic components of different operating systems, organizing and
managing processes, computing synchronization, different scheduling techniques for processors, storage devices, memory management, file systems, input/output systems, and Protection and Security.
Systems Analysis and DesignIT3123The objective of this course is to provide a methodical approach to developing computer systems, including systems planning, analysis, design, and implementation. The course approaches the development of information systems from a problem-solving perspective, placing emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information system
Web SystemsIT3143This course will provide a basic understanding of the methods and techniques of developing a web site. The course topics include Hyper Text Markup Language, Cascading Style Sheets and Bootstrap.
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Database AdministrationIT3253This course is to explore a variety of topics in Database Administration. Using hands-on training, students
will learn about installation, configuration, administration, performance, security, backup and recovery, and enterprise services of databases. Additional topics include an introduction to DBMS, schemas objects, partitioned tables and indexes, built in data types, backup and recovery, enterprise tools, services
and connectivity, locking, and concurrency.
Information SecurityIT3223This course provides students with the knowledge of fundamentals of encryption and computer security and utilizing these techniques in computing systems. Course topics include an overview of cryptography, symmetric and asymmetric ciphers, block and stream cipher, key management and distribution, certificates, message and entity authentication, and digital signature.
Network Routing and SwitchingIT3XX3This course is to explore the principles of Routing and Switching. Topics include network OSI layers and CISCO IOS configuring devices, IP addressing and subnetting, introduction to routing, static routing, default routing, dynamic routing, RIP1 and RIP2, troubleshooting, routing table lookup process, OSPF, switching & switch configuration, switch security, VLANs, spanning tree protocol, VTP, inter VLAN routing, and network troubleshooting
Project ManagementIT3233This course is to study the processes, methods, techniques, and tools that organizations use to manage their information systems projects. The course covers a systematic methodology for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects. This course assumes that project management in the modern organization is a complex team based activity,where various types of technologies (including project management software as well as software to support group collaboration) are an inherent part of the project management process. This course also acknowledges that project management involves both the use of resources from within the firm, as well as contracted from outside the organization.
Software EngineeringIT3213this course is to study software engineering principles and techniques used in the specification, design, and testing of software systems. Major software development methodologies are reviewed including requirements, analysis and specification, design, testing, and documentation
Web Application DevelopmentIT3243This course provides students with the techniques of web systems programming, maintenance and the creation of online pages and delivery by web servers and using by clients. The course topics include: Introduction to web development, PHP fundamentals, PHP OOP, Laravel basics, Laravel Routing and Controllers, Laravel views and Blade Templates, Validation, database, Eloquent, and security.
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Graduation Project 1IT4112The graduation project challenges students to go beyond the learning that occurs as the result of their prescribed educational program by developing projects that demonstrate their intellectual, technical and creative abilities. Students shall complete their projects in areas of concentrated study under the direction and supervision of faculty members. The projects will demonstrate the students’ ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate information, and communicate significant knowledge and comprehension. Personal growth and satisfaction are associated with the graduation projects. Students will derive sense of accomplishment through the completion and “ownership” of bodies of works that are reflections of their interests and abilities. Opportunities to expand their personal knowledge and explore careers and apply learning to real life situations will serve to benefit the students’ growth and promote lifelong learning
Machine LearningIT4XX3The course will give students the basic ideas and intuition behind modern machine learning methods supervised and  unsupervised learning methods  and as well as a bit more formal understanding of how, why, and when they work. Supervised learning and unsupervised learning. The course is accompanied by several practical experiments.
Mobile Application DevelopmentIT4XX3This course provides study and practice of the lifecycle of a mobile app development. Class covers architecture, design and engineering issues, techniques, and methodologies for mobile application development. Students will learn a framework for mobile app development and work on a practical project where they can demonstrate their newly acquired skills.
Network AdministrationIT4123This course provides students the knowledge and the skills necessary to install, configure and administer a network on server machines that are part of a domain. The module approaches network administration on both operating system and hardware levels. The course is accompanied by several practical experiments
Network DesignIT4133This course is to provide students with a comprehensive and structured view of network design from a theoretical and a practical perspective. It presents basic principles and methods for developing traffic characterization and optimization models for a subset of network design problems. It also aims at helping students to understand recent advances and to be exposed to research problems in network design.
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Advanced Mobile Application DevelopmentIT4XX3This course provides study and practice of the lifecycle of a mobile app development. Class covers architecture, design and engineering issues, techniques, and methodologies for mobile application development. Students will learn a framework for mobile app development and work on a practical project where they can demonstrate their newly acquired skills
Graduation Project 2IT4214The graduation project challenges students to go beyond the learning that occurs as the result of their prescribed educational program by developing projects that demonstrate their intellectual, technical and creative abilities. Students shall complete their projects in areas of concentrated study under the direction and supervision of faculty members. The projects will demonstrate the students’ ability to apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate information, and communicate significant knowledge and comprehension. Personal growth and satisfaction are associated with the graduation projects. Students will derive sense of accomplishment through the completion and “ownership” of bodies of works that are reflections of their interests and abilities. Opportunities to expand their personal knowledge and explore careers and apply learning to real life situations will serve to benefit the students’ growth and promote lifelong learning
Multimedia TechnologiesIT4223This course is mainly  designed  to  introduce  the  theoretical  concepts  of  digital  media  including images,  audio, animation and video.  The difference between analog and digital media is discussed. Different types of digital media are outlined, and their digital storage process is explained in detail. The digital media  encoding  and  decoding  concepts  are  explained.  In addition, different  types  of digital media compression techniques are introduced. The most popular file formats are outlined for each media type.  Finally, the Multimedia related hardware,  software, and web-related  issues are discussed where necessary.
Network SecurityIT4233This course provides students with general introduction to network security technologies used in computer networks and communication. The course topics include: review of data security and message authentication, entity authentication, symmetric key management, asymmetric key management, transport-layer security, wireless network security, electronic mail security, network layer Security. The course is also accompanied with a number of practical experiments in the lab using simulation and hands on equipment.